A two year old female beagle dog was presented to Multispeciality Veterinary Hospital, Kudappanakkunnu, Thiruvananthapuram with whelping signs. The owner reported that the animal was mated 62 days ago and was showing whelping signs since the past night along with a whitish fluid discharge from vulva. All physiological parameters were within normal range. On Radiographic Examination eight fetal skeletons was observed. On ultrasonographic examination, live fetuses with low fetal heart rate were observed hence Caesarean Section was advised as the treatment option. On laparotomy under general anaesthesia, to our surprise it was observed that one of the uterine horns was transversely ruptured and was a fresh defect. Eight puppies in total which were recovered, out of which 2 were live and 6 were dead. Uterine anastomosis was adopted as the surgical correction considering the patient’s health and its future reproductive life. With antibiotics and analgesics as post-surgical medication and with good care and management the patient had an uneventful recovery.
Keywords : Dog, Caesarean section, uterine rupture, uterine anastomosis
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Article history: Received: 23-06-2023, Accepted : 23-12-2023, Published online: 29-12-2023
Corresponding author: Anoop R