Dermatological problems in dogs are one of the common and daunting tasks encountered by a pet animal practitioner (
human. The study was contemplated to find the effect of the drug in the canine dermatomycosis.
Two dogs were presented in Veterinary hospital, Koduvally, Kozhikode, Kerala, a nondescript male dog of age one year and a female
('Beplex forte') and topical application of 5% povidone iodine solution. The animals were observed every week.
Changes were noticed in both the cases every week and the cases were completely cured by 6-7 weeks. In first dog, a few new hairs were noticed on face and tail and pruritus subsided after 2 weeks. After 4 weeks the lesions were found to be almost disappearing. A lot of new hairs appeared on the body also and lively appearance of the skin was also evident. After 6
weeks, the case was completely cured. In the second dog, no special changes were detectable in the first two weeks. After 4 weeks there were few new hair growths on the areas of lesions and after 6 weeks the lesions were started disappearing gradually. A lot of new hairs were grown with lively appearance of the skin. The lesions were almost disappeared. The condition was completely cured by 7 weeks. The dose of the drug was calculated according to the rate suggested by
disappearance of the lesions in 5-7 weeks were inaccordance with the findings of Or (2000). There were no toxicity symptoms during the treatment period. The effective response to the treatment was obtained probably due to drug's complete absorption from the gastrointestinal tract, increased aqueous solubility which is acid independent and the maintenance of the concentration in the skin similar to plasma (Adams 2001).The failure of the griseofulvin treatment can be attributed to the inefficient absorption of the drug from digestive tract and the delayed accomplishment of the desired concentration of the drug in the skin (Greene 1998).
The usage of drug in the dermatomycosis cases was found to be very effective and economical.
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Article history: Received: 15-12-2021, Accepted : 15-12-2021, Published online: 15-12-2021