Umbilical hernias are one of the most commonly encountered congenital defects in calves. Etiology of the defect can be improper closure of umbilical opening, hypoplasia, or maldevelopment of the abdominal musculature. Defect in mid-ventral line due to failure of closure of umbilical opening at an early embryonic stage could lead to congenital umbilical hernia. Abdominal viscera can pass through this large opening, which leads to further complications. This article reports two cases of umbilical hernia in calves, one with a complication of abomasal tear and other with intestinal tear evidenced by oozing of gastrointestinal contents through the umbilical orifice.
Keywords : Umbilical hernia, Calves Herniorraphy
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Article history: Received: 23-09-2020, Accepted : 20-10-2020, Published online: 13-11-2020
Corresponding author: Faslu Rahman C.K