A two-day-old female cross bred Jersey calf was presented with history of dribbling of urine through the umbilicus, but not passing urine through the natural urethral opening since birth. The condition was diagnosed as persistent urachus and congenital imperforate urethra based on the history, clinical signs, radiographic and ultrasonographic findings. Under general anaesthesia, the stalk of pervious urachus was identified, carefully ligated and separated through a ventral mid-line laparotomy. The patency of the external urethra was accomplished by gentle digital pressure. The animal had an uneventful recovery.
Keywords : Patent urachus, Pervious urachus, Imperforate urethra, Umbilicus
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Article history: Received: 13-08-2020, Accepted : 10-10-2020, Published online: 13-11-2020
Corresponding author: Sherin B. Sarangom