Anatomical defects of the oviduct leading to infertility was studied using the genitalia of 100 dairy cows / heifers collected from Meat Technology Unit, Mannuthy with a known history of infertility. Among the study group, three animals showed unilateral tubal obstruction. The patency of the oviduct was assessed by perfusing of 0.9 per cent sodium chloride solution with 1 per cent methylene blue. After morphological examination, tissue samples were fixed in 10 per cent neutral buffered formalin. Standard procedures were adopted for histoarchitectural studies. The defects were classified as type IV with complete occlusion. Gross examination by dye infusion test revealed that the oviducts were blocked near utero-tubal junction. The obstructed region became enlarged, thickened and more readily palpable. More amount of adipose tissue was deposited surrounding the ovary and oviduct. Oviduct became thickened and curled with the mesosalpinx. Histological examination of these oviducts showed the lamina epithelialis as detached from the mucosa and the cells formed clumps in the lumen of the occluded area. In the occluded oviduct, the tunica muscularis was approximately twice thicker than the normal oviduct which contributed to the increased thickening of the occluded region. The disturbances in tubal patency might negatively affect fertility by obstructing the passage of sperm and ovum through the oviduct.
Keywords : Tubal obstruction, Patency, Histology, Oviduct, Dairy cows
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Article history: Received: 19-08-2021, Accepted : 17-03-2022, Published online: 12-04-2022
Corresponding author: Annie V.R