A study was carried out to assess the shelf life of chicken pickle incorporated with amla, gingerand garlic. Chicken pickle was prepared by using amla,and ginger-garlic at 20 % replacement level of chicken meat. Control pickle andpickles incorporated with amla, and ginger-garlicwere evaluated at ambient temperature on every 15th day interval for 60 days. The pH, TBA values, and total viable count increased significantly (p<0.01) during storage but were within the acceptable limit. Water activity did not show noticeable change and remained constant throughout the storage period. During storage periods, the chicken pickle incorporated with amla and ginger-garlic maintained significantly higher sensory scores compared to the control. During the storage of chicken pickle, the sensory scores for all the attributes declined significantly (p<0.01) with the progress of the storage period. In addition, vitamin C content of control, amla and ginger- garlic incorporated chicken pickles were 22 mg/100gm, 105 mg/100gm and 38mg/100gm, respectively. Based on the findings, it is concluded that the amla and ginger-garlic incorporated chicken pickles could be stored for up to 60 days with no deteriorative changes.
Keywords : Shelf life, chicken meat pickle, storage studies, value added products
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Article history: Received: , Accepted : , Published online: 07-12-2022
Corresponding author: Muthulakshmi M