A study was conducted to compare the concentration of purine derivatives (PD) and creatinine in spot urine
samples of various species of ruminants and rabbit. Urine samples were collected from 80 adult animals of each
species (cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat, and rabbit) and were analyzed for PD (allantoin, uric acid, hypoxanthine and
xanthine) and creatinine. The concentration of allantoin (mg/L) was highest in the urine of cattle (1487.20)
compared to other species. However, the level of uric acid (mg/L) was highest in goat urine (215.80). Xanthine and
hypoxanthine were not detected in cattle, buffalo and rabbit urine. Sheep and goat had similar levels of PD in spot
urine except for uric acid. The level of creatinine (mg/L) in the urine of rabbit (353.68) was lower compared to
ruminants (588.12 to 685.60). The concentrations of allantoin and total PD when expressed as molar proportions of
creatinine the values were highest in cattle and goat; and were lowest in buffalo urine. The study revealed that
allantoin is the principal PD in spot urine samples of all the species studied while xanthine and hypoxanthine were
absent in the urine of cattle, buffalo and rabbit.
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Article history: Received: 15-12-2021, Accepted : 15-12-2021, Published online: 15-12-2021