A 14-year old male camel (Camelus dromedarius) was referred for a dropped anterior lower jaw following a fight two days back. Orthopaedic examination revealed abnormal mobility of the lower jaw and crepitation anterior to the first premolars. The condition was diagnosed as bilateral complete transverse fracture of mandible at the level anterior to the first premolars. Bilateral modified interdental wiring was performed under general anaesthesia. External coaptation using a muzzle along with liquid diet was advised for three weeks. Animal was fed with solid feed from the sixth postoperative week. The wires were removed during the ninth postoperative week and the animal had an uneventful recovery.
Keywords : Mandible, Fracture, Camel
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Article history: Received: 17-08-2024, Accepted : 19-09-2024, Published online: 30-11-2024
Corresponding author: Sherin B. Sarangom