This epidemiological study was carried out by distribution of questionnaire among veterinary practitioners managing some dairy farms in Eastern Algeria. The frequency of endometritis according to other pathological entities, the epidemiological analysis according to the race, the season and the rank of the calving, the complications, the therapeutic protocols applied by the veterinarians as well as the prophylactic measures were the object of our study. The results of the survey showed that the per centage of endometritis in relation to other health problems is between 10 and 15 per cent. According to the degree of intensity of the symptoms, it was noted that the first degree endometritis represented 29.54 per cent of the cases surveyed while the second and the third degree endometritis represented 27.87 per cent and 20.45 per cent respectively. Most of the clinical cases were treated with prostaglandin F2α, with a frequency of 72.72 per cent, while 22.72 per cent of the cases did not undergo any hormonal treatment. The systematization of the epidemiological study of endometritis in cows should guide the therapeutic approach to better control infertility in intensive dairy farms.
Keywords : Survey, Endometritis, Dairy Cow, Algeria, Treatment.
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Article history: Received: 04-02-2022, Accepted : 02-06-2022, Published online: 12-08-2022
Corresponding author: Beghoul S