The important tapeworms (cestodes) of poultry of India are Choanotaenia infundibulum, Raillietina cesticillus, R tetragona, R. echinobothrida and Cotugnia digonopora. Altogether nine species of beetles and sixteen species of ants served as intermediate hosts which harboured cysticercoids of these tapeworms. The frequency of incidence of cysticercoids, micrometry of cysticercoids, minimum time for development of tapeworms in final hosts and periodicity of segment discharge are discussed. Significant importance has to be given for the selection of site and its location to construct poultry farms. The dumping yards of manure and vegetable wastes are to be located away. Filthy surroundings have to be avoided as they attract beetles to breed and multiply. Search may be made for the presence of ant-hills or nests nearby to poultry yards. Control measures against the intermediate hosts likely to enter poultry houses and their vicinities have to be implemented considering the eco-friendly surroundings safer for chicks Borax powder, diatomaceous earth (silica or silicon dioxide) or multi-control insecticide powders would be kept near ant-moving areas. Spreading borax powder around ant-hills or pouring boiling water on them would destroy ant-colony and mounds. Spraying insecticides on breeding places of beetles would check their multiplication.
Keywords : Poultry tapeworms, Intermediate hosts, Beetles, Ants, Control measures
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Article history: Received: 10-10-2024, Accepted : 15-11-2024, Published online: 30-11-2024
Corresponding author: Muraleedharan Kandayath