A one-year-old female non-descript dog was presented with an owner’s complaint of lameness and not bearing weight on left hind limb after it met with a road accident. Radiographs revealed comminuted fracture of mid diaphysis of left tibia. Under general anaesthesia open reduction and internal fixation was performed employing Para-osseous Clamp Assisted Cerclage stabilization (PCCS). Modified Robert Jones bandage was done as external support for 12 weeks. Post-operative radiograph showed good alignment and apposition. Animal was administered with antibiotic and analgesic post-operatively. Animal recovered completely with full range of motion by 16th post-operative week.
Keywords : PCCS, Orthopedic wire, K-wire.
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Article history: Received: 21-06-2022, Accepted : 24-07-2022, Published online: 07-12-2022
Corresponding author: Jineshkumar, N.S