Research Articles (Published online: 30-11-2024)
jivaonline, 100-107

A retrospective study was conducted by reviewing the clinical records of small animal gynaecological cases maintained at University Veterinary Hospital (UVH), Mannuthy and Kokkalai over three years from June 2017 to May 2020. A total of 13,132 dogs were presented to both University Veterinary Hospitals, with different gynaecological problems over three years. The occurrence of pyometra in relation to overall canine gynaecological cases was 3.20 per cent. Among the confirmed pyometra cases, the occurrence was highest among Labrador Retrievers (19.52 per cent). The age-wise distribution of pyometra-affected animals showed that animals above six years had the highest occurrence (47.86 per cent) of the disease. Nulliparous animals showed the highest occurrence (75 per cent), followed by primipara (19.26 per cent). The major symptoms exhibited by pyometra- affected dogs were dullness (92.85 per cent) followed by vaginal discharge (70.95 per cent) and polydipsia (70.71 per cent). Vomiting was the less frequently reported symptom (34.04 per cent).

Keywords : Pyometra, Occurrence, Retrospective study

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Article history: Received: 02-07-2024, Accepted : 02-10-2024, Published online: 30-11-2024

Corresponding author: Nayana Devarajan