Goats are one of the oldest domesticated species of animal being reared for milk, meat, fur and skin. Parasitism continues to be an important concern for goat farmers around the world. Death due to parasitism is an important constraint associated with the rearing of goats. Statistical data available over the past 2 years in the Department of Veterinary Pathology, CVAS, Mannuthy shows that the death rate in goats due to gastrointestinal parasitism is alarming. As per history collected, scientific deworming is not in regular practice among goat producers. This suggests that timely evaluation of faeces and subsequent deworming is mandatory for profitable rearing of caprine species.
Keywords : Goat, Gastrointestinal parasitism, Coccidiosis, Anaemia
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Article history: Received: 28-05-2020, Accepted : 05-09-2020, Published online: 13-11-2020
Corresponding author: Divya C