A cross bred cow after fortnights of second calving has presented to the Veterinary Dispensary, Panrutti, Tamilnadu with the history recumbency, voiding habits were normal. On vital signs examination absence of abnormal findings except no fluid thrill on rumen percussion, drastic drop in milk as compared to previous day. On detailed blood profiling hypocalcemia and low potassium were noticed. The cow treated systematically using standard dosages of Injection Calcium Borogluconate and subcutaneously, followed by Inj. Tolfenamic acid (NSAID) Inj. Chlorphenaramine maleate, Inj. Methylcobalamine, Inj.Sodium Acid Phosphate and Potassium Chloride 120 gram powder twice daily (per os) till the rise up. On fourth day from initial therapy successful recovery was documented via rising, voiding and feeding habits. Based on the systemic therapy response and diagnosis the case of hypocalcemic-hypokalemic alert downor cow was treated lucratively.
Keywords : Downer cow syndrome, Postpartum, Hypocalcaemia, Hypokalemia, Cross Bred Cow
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Article history: Received: 03-03-2024, Accepted : 18-04-2024, Published online: 29-04-2024
Corresponding author: drmohantnr@gmail.com