Urinary calculi or uroliths in the urinary system is called as urolithiasis. Obstructive urolithiasis can become a life-threatening complication. Two buffalo calves were presented to the Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, Banaras Hindu University, with history of anuria since 3 days. On physical examination, the calves were weak and on abdominal percussion, fluid thrill was observed. Lateral projection of abdomen on radiograph had a poor serosal detail with fluid opacity inside the abdomen suggestive of uro-abdomen. The buffalo calves were subjected for surgical correction by tube cystostomy technique and post-operatively they were kept on ammonium chloride tablets for dissolving the uroliths along with other medications. Both the buffalo calves had an uneventful recovery in a month.
Keywords : Obstructive urolithiasis, Tube cystostomy, Buffalo calves, Urinary retention
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Article history: Received: 10-04-2021, Accepted : 26-05-2021, Published online: 15-08-2021
Corresponding author: Naresh K. Singh