Research Articles (Published online: 12-08-2022)
Nikhat Reena Shaik*, Bindu Lakshmanan, Radhika R. and Divya C.
jivaonline, 46-50
Nikhat Reena Shaik*, Bindu Lakshmanan, Radhika R. and Divya C.: Department of Veterinary Parasitology, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, Thrissur

The cat fur mite, Lynxacarus radovskyi is a hair clasping surface feeder. The infestation has been recorded from different parts of the globe. This mite is highly contagious to cats and is also zoonotic, and it spreads through direct contact, or through grooming tools and recently contaminated surfaces. In the current study the incidence of mite infestation was recorded from cats in and around Thrissur during the past two years. Skin scrapings from the cats were analysed for the presence of mite infestation by light microscopic examination in the clinical parasitology laboratory of University Veterinary Hospital (UVH), Kokkali, Thrissur and clinical veterinary laboratory of Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex (TVCC), Mannuthy. Out of 25 samples tested positive for the mite, 12 had concurrent infestation with mites and fungal spores. The communication records concurrent infestation of L. radovskyi either with Notoedres cati or Otodectes cyanotis and fungal spores in the state.

Keywords : Cat fur mite, Listrophorid mite, Hair clasping mite, Skin scrapings

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Article history: Received: 10-06-2022, Accepted : 01-07-2022, Published online: 12-08-2022

Corresponding author: Nikhat Reena Shaik