Research Articles (Published online: 30-11-2019)
Radhika, R*, Lucy Sabu, Bindu Lakshmanan , Devada, K
jivaonline, 37-40
Radhika, R*:
Lucy Sabu:
Bindu Lakshmanan :
Devada, K:

The study analysed the immunogenic protein fractions of Haemonchus placei. Adult Haemonchus obtained from the abomasum of cattle slaughtered at abattoirs in Thrissur District were identified morphologically as H. placei and its crude somatic antigen (CSA) was prepared. It was electrophoresed and protein banding pattern on the gels were visualised by Coomassie brilliant blue staining. The separated antigens in the unstained gels were immuno blotted onto nitrocellulose membrane (NCM). Immunogenic antigens were detected using the antisera raised against CSA of H. placei in rabbit. The antigenic and immunogenic fractions of the parasite were identified. Six protein bands ranging from 96 to 17 kDa were detected using SDS-PAGE with CSA of H. placei. All the antigenic fractions were found to be immunogenic.Antigenic fraction 17 kDa was found to be the most immunogenic followed by 34 kDa and 24 kDa respectively. The present study suggests that these  polypeptide bands might be useful candidates for serodiagnosis of haemonchosis in cattle. It also necessitates further research in their role as target antigens for production of vaccines.

Keywords : Haemonchus placei, Crude Somatic Antigen, SDS-PAGE, Immunoblot

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Article history: Received: , Accepted : , Published online: 30-11-2019

Corresponding author: Radhika, R