Emx2 is expressed during the development of the urogenital system and its mRNA can be seen in the primordia that would eventually give rise to the kidney, gonads and genital tract at the earliest stages of differentiation. Emx2 is thought to be indispensable for the formation of both Mullerian and Wolffian ducts. The objective of the present study was to identify the single nucleotide polymorphism of emx2 gene in the genitalia of dairy crossbred cows with anatomical defects. An intronic variant c. 38215870 A>G identified in the ddRADseq was determined in the PCR product of 14 animals with anatomical defects in the female genitalia. The coding region of emx2 gene was amplified with an annealing temperature of 63.6 °C for 35 amplification cycles. Then the PCR products were subjected to restriction enzyme digestion by using the enzyme Hinfl, which was incubated at 37°C for one hour. While subjecting this fragment to PCR- RFLP, single band pattern was observed. All the animals exhibited a similar pattern, inferring that the population was monomorphic for this locus. None of the animals with anatomical defects in the female genitalia showed an emx2 mutation. According to this study, Mullerian duct defects in crossbred dairy animals were not frequently caused by emx2 gene.
Keywords : Emx2 gene, Mullerian duct, PCR-RFLP, dairy cows
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Article history: Received: 29-07-2023, Accepted : 07-08-2023, Published online: 23-08-2023
Corresponding author: V.R. Annie