In poultry, Major Histocompatibility Compatibility Complex (MHC) plays a vital role in mounting immunogenic response to various antigens. The present investigation was undertaken as a pilot study to evaluate the polymorphism of the native Tellicherry breed against the commercial broilers at the MHC B-Lβ2 region by allele-specific PCR providing implications on genetic diversity for the design of efficient programmes for its characterization, conservation and upgradation. The extent of genetic variability and forces of selection were analyzed by Chi-square test, Ewens-Watterson’s test for neutrality, the mean as well as the effective number of alleles per locus and Nei’s expected heterozygosity. Population genetic analyses were carried out using the popgene (version 1.32) software. Ewens-Watterson test revealed natural selection to be favouring heterozygotes and acting against homozygotes and so the current population was more heterogeneous and had sufficient raw material for selection and improvement. Reinforcing this result, heterozygosity (0.8667) was found to be high in Tellicherry indicating its potential for genetic improvement.
Keywords : Diversity, Heterozygosity, MHC, Commercial broiler, Tellicherry
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Article history: Received: 07-06-2022, Accepted : 24-07-2022, Published online: 12-08-2022
Corresponding author: Jayadevi Variyar E