Canine parvovirus (CPV) is a highly contagious viral disease in dogs, especially affecting puppies. A five month old, male Labrador Retriever pup with anorexia, pyrexia, lethargy and haemorrhagic gastroenteritis with haematemesis and haematochezia was presented to the University Veterinary Hospital, Mannuthy, Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University.Haematologicalanalysisshowed severe leukopaenia, with granulopaenia and lymphopaenia. Lateral flow assay for CPV yielded a positive result. Molecular diagnosis using amplification refractory mutation system polymerase chain reaction (ARMS-PCR) confirmed the presence of CPV-2c. Despite the initiation of supportive therapy, the pup succumbed to death the next day. This the second report of CPV- 2c from a dog in Kerala and represents the pioneering use of multiplex ARMS-PCR
Keywords : Canine parvovirus- 2c, Amplification refractory mutation system polymerase chain reaction, Haematemesis, Haematochezia
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Article history: Received: 10-09-2024, Accepted : 14-10-2024, Published online: 01-12-2024
Corresponding author: B. Athulya