The present study aims to assess the occurrence of ectoparasites, gastrointestinal parasites and haemoparasites in domestic pigeons of Kozhikode and Wayanad Districts. A total of 38 nestlings (below 24 weeks old) including 17 males and 21 females and 64 adult pigeons including 31 males and 33 females were examined for ecto, gastrointestinal and haemo parasites. A significantly (P≤ 0.01) higher occurrence of ectoparasites was reported in adult pigeons (89.06 per cent) compared with nestlings (28.95 per cent). Four different species of ectoparasites (Pseudolynchia canariensis (47.05 per cent), Menopon gallinae (13.72 per cent), Columbinae columbae (37.25 per cent) and Dermanyssus gallinae (6.86 per cent) were identified. Females showed higher occurrence of ectoparasites compared with males and among them, adult females showed high occurrence for Pseudolynchia canariensis and Columbinae columbae. Overall occurrence of gastrointestinal parasites was significantly higher (P≤ 0.05) in adult pigeons (65.6 per cent) than in nestlings (26.32 per cent). Among the GI parasites, Ascaridia galli was reported only in adult pigeons (13.72 per cent), but Capillaria spp. and Raillietina spp. were demonstrated in both young ones (8.8 per cent; 0.9 per cent) and adults (21.5 per cent; 8.8 per cent). Of the haemoparasites screened, only Haemoproteus columbae could be identified. The females showed significantly high (P≤ 0.05) prevalence than males The prevalence of Haemoproteus columbae was significantly higher (P≤ 0.01) in adults (60.93 per cent) than nestlings (28.95 per cent). Pigeon fly Pseudolynchia caranienesis (vector for H. columbae) was observed in 23.68 per cent of young and 60.93 per cent adult pigeons, with proven statistically significant association between the vector and blood parasitic bond. From this study, it can be concluded that overall parasitic infestation was significantly higher in adults compared with nestlings and females were more susceptible to parasitic infection than males. Understanding epidemiology for parasitic infestations in domestic pigeons will helps to take appropriate preventive measures to control the infection.
Keywords : Northern Kerala, Pigeon, Ectoparasites, Gastrointestinal parasites, Haemoparasites
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Article history: Received: 02-06-2022, Accepted : 08-06-2022, Published online: 12-08-2022
Corresponding author: Deepa P. M