Cutaneous tumours are the most common neoplasms seen in dogs. Time bound diagnosis of these tumours is very important for surgical or medical intervention. Though histopathology is considered as the gold standard for the diagnosis of these tumours, it is a time consuming procedure and it is in such contexts that the use of cytology assumes significance. Cytological diagnoses of 14 cases of superficial masses forms the content of the present communication. Among these 14 cases, 11 were round cell tumours that were predominantly lymphoma (seven cases), followed by one case each of mast cell tumour, histiocytoma, extragenital form of transmissible venereal tumour (TVT) and melanoma. Two epithelial tumours namely squamous cell carcinoma and hepatoid gland tumour and one mesenchymal tumour namely liposarcoma were also included in this cohort. This paper deals with the use of a rapid diagnostic technique like cytology for detecting superficial masses in canines.
Keywords : Canine, Cytology, Round cell tumour, Epithelial tumour
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Article history: Received: 01-08-2024, Accepted : 29-10-2024, Published online: 01-12-2024
Corresponding author: S.S. Devi