Research Articles (Published online: 15-12-2021)
Comparative study on carcass characteristics of Kuttanad duck, White Pekin duck and their crosses for meat purpose
M.M. Ancy*, P. Anitha , S. Sankaralingam , Binoj Chacko and K. Ally
jivaonline, 85-88
M.M. Ancy*, P. Anitha , S. Sankaralingam , Binoj Chacko and K. Ally: College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, Thrissur -680 651
A study was darried out to compare the carcass characteristics of Kuttanad ducks, White Pekin ducks and their reciprocal crosses (PxK, KxP) for meat purpose from day-old to 12 weeks of age.
Keywords : Duck, crossbred, carcass characteristics, live weight, dressed weight
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Article history: Received: 15-12-2021, Accepted : 15-12-2021, Published online: 15-12-2021
Corresponding author: M.M. Ancy