An eight year old crossbred pregnant cow was referred from field veterinarian with a complication of incomplete cervical dilatation. The caesarean surgery was performed under combined paravertebral anaesthesia and inverted L block using lignocaine. The surgical site was prepared aseptically for surgical procedure. An oblique incision on skin was made in the middle of the left flank region, followed by subcutaneous tissue, external and internal abdominal oblique, transverse abdominal muscle and peritoneum. The uterus was exteriorized and cut open to deliver a foetus. The uterus, muscles and skin were sutured back with standard procedure. The animal was given proper post-operative care. The animal recovered completely without any complications in15 days.
Keywords : Crossbred cattle, incomplete cervical dilatation (ICD), Flank Incision, Field C-section, Inverted “L” block, Para vertebral anesthesia
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Article history: Received: 01-02-2024, Accepted : 02-03-2024, Published online: 29-04-2024
Corresponding author: drmohantnr@gmail.com