Dermatophilosis is a skin infection impacting various animals caused by Dermatophiluscongolensis,agram-positive bacterium, leading to exudative epidermitis with scabs. A female Malabari goat was presented at Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex Mannuthy, Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, with recurrent dermatitis. Thick scabby lesions appeared on the udder, face and ear tips. The skin scrapings examination was negative for any fungal or mite elements. Gram stained impression smear from lesions revealed distinct gram-positive coccoid bacteria, suggestive of Dermatophilus congolensis. Cultural isolation and identification, confirmed the diagnosis of Dermatophilus congolensis infection. Treatment involved Inj. enrofloxacin @ 5 mg/kg for 5 days and continued topical application of povidone iodine mixed in glycerine solution for two weeks.
Keywords : Goat, Dermatophilosis, Dermatophilus congolensis, Enrofloxacin
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Article history: Received: 14-05-2024, Accepted : 21-09-2024, Published online: 30-11-2024
Corresponding author: Gowri Venugopal