Research Articles (Published online: 15-12-2021)
Babesiosis is caused by intraerythrocytic protozoan parasites of the genus important species affecting cattle are Babesiabigemina and are wide spread in tropical and sub tropical areas. The main vectors of infections,clinical signs can vary from in apparent to acute severe diseases. In acute diseases, there will be fever, later accompanied by inappetence, increasedrespiratory rate, anaemia, jaundice, weight loss and haemoglobinuria in final stages. This
paper describes a case of acute infection of babesiosis in a twenty day old cross bred jersey calf
Twenty day old cross bred female jersey calf was presented to District Veterinary Centre, hospital with the history of passing coffee coloured urine.On clinical examination animal had temperature of 105degree F.and pallor of conjunctival and oral mucous membrane. Infection with haemoprotozoan parasite was suspected and the following samples were collected; thin blood&smears prepared from ear tip for Giemsa staining and whole blood in EDTA @ 1mg/ml of blood for haematological evaluation. Freshly prepared peripheral blood smears from ear tip stained with Giemsa revealed intra erythrocyticmerozoites of the parasites, elongated, slightly bigger, and paired at an acute angle to each other, confirmed as Haematological analysis revealed anaemia of lower degree. Based on clinico haematological findings and blood smear examination, the case was diagnosed as Babesiosis due to Babesiabigemina
The animal was treated with, Dimenazineaceturate @ 5 mg/Kg intramuscularly (BERENIL), followed by oral haematinics. The owner was advised to present the animal after one&week for further examination. After one week, the peripheral blood smear examination was found to be negative for Haematological analysis revealed haemoglobin, RBC count and PCV values were within normal range. The animal showed good response and uneventful recovery. In endemic areas of babesiosis calves had a degree of immunity, related both to colostral-derived antibodies and to age, that persists for about 6 months. At high levels of tick transmission, all newborn calves will become infected with by 6 months of age, show few if any clinical signs, and subsequently be immune. This situation of endemic stability can be upset by either a natural (eg, climatic) or artificial (eg, acaricide treatment) reduction in tick numbers to levels such that tick transmission of to calves is insufficient to ensure all are infected during this critical early period (Jorgensen, 2008). (2008) reported a 7.2 per cent prevalence of babesiosis, out of four hundred and fifteen cross bred cow calves examined less than 2 months of age. The average age at which calves in enzootic areas become infected is 11weeks, but at this early age clinical signs and pathological changes are mild and In the present case, age of calf infected was only 20 days (3 weeks) and his tory revealed that the mother of calf had been treated for clinical case of babesiosis during third trimester of pregnancy. Intrauterine infection of babesiosis had been reported, but rare (Jorgensen 2008).Since the incubation period described for clinical cases of baesiosis is one to three weeks, the probable reason for the calf to get infected in the present case may be intrauterine transmission. Imidocarbdipropionate is the drug of choice to treat bovine babeisois followed by Dimenazineaceturate, with 100 per cent and 90 per cent efficacy at 10 day post infection respectively (Niaziet. al., 2008). In the present case also, the a n i m a l s h o w e d g o o d r e s p o n s e t o Dimenazineaceturtae @ 5mg/kg, imtramuscularly as evident from blood picture at 7
case of acute infection of Babesiabigemina in a twenty day old female cross bred calf and its successful treatment with Dimenazineaceturate and oral haematinics discussed. Confirmatory diagnosis of Babesiabigemina can be made by examination of peripheral blood smears after Giemsa staining for the demonstration of large, paired merozoites of the protozoan parasites at an acute angle to each other.
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Article history: Received: 15-12-2021, Accepted : 15-12-2021, Published online: 15-12-2021