The current study was conducted purposively in Attappadi block of Palakkad district in Kerala as this is one among the large tribal settlements of Kerala with considerable livestock population. Descriptive research design was adopted for the study. The sample comprised of 120 tribal livestock farmers as respondents (n=120) who were selected with the aid of key informants. The respondents belonged to three different tribal communities viz., Irulas (92.5%), Mudugas (5.83%) and Kurumbas (1.67%). The data showed that more than half of the tribal farmers (64.17 %) were females whereas 35.83 per cent were males. The mobility behaviour of tribal livestock farmers revealed that major determining factor for the migratory behaviour of farmers was due to lack of employment opportunities in the area, whereas necessary veterinary services were available in the area.
Keywords : Attappadi tribal belt, Livestock owners, Mobility behaviour.
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Article history: Received: , Accepted : , Published online: 01-12-2019
Corresponding author: Nisha A