This report focuses on a rare metastatic transmissible venereal tumour (TVT) in a six-year-old, intact, male, non-descript dog presented with bleeding from prepuchial orifice. Large hard masses could be palpated in the mid-abdominal region. Ultrasonography revealed multifocal masses in the spleen, liver and trigone of urinary bladder. Impression smears from preputial mass, tissue debris from catheterized bladder and fine needle aspirations of splenic mass revealed cells morphologically similar to TVT - plasmacytoid subtype. These findings were reinforced by histopathology. Treatment was carried out with weekly intravenous administration of vincristine sulphate at 0.6 mg/m2. Complete clinical remission and regression of visceral masses was achieved by eight weeks.
Keywords : TVT, Metastasis, Vincristine sulphate
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Article history: Received: 12-04-2023, Accepted : 10-08-2023, Published online: 23-08-2023
Corresponding author: Varsha Mary Mathai*